Incorrect housing expenses
You can complain if we have used the wrong shared costs or mortgage payments in our decision.
How to complain:
- Complete the complaint form below.
- Enclose the relevant documentation
- shared costs – copy of most recent payment
- mortgage – copy of mortgage agreement or repayment schedule and copy of invoice or mortgage payment (interest and capital repayments). Have you refinanced your mortgage and increased your debt? In that case you must also document the outstanding balance of the original mortgage when it was refinanced. You will only receive approval for a loan used to buy or make necessary repairs to your home.
- Send the complaint in the post to your local municipality’s postal address. You can find the address on the decision letter you received.
Complaint form – decision
You can complain if we have used the wrong mortgage payments, property taxes or ground rent.
How to complain:
- Complete the complaint form below.
- Enclose the relevant documentation
- property taxes – copy of invoice or payment
- ground rent – copy of invoice or payment
- mortgage – copy of mortgage agreement or repayment schedule + copy of invoice or mortgage payment (interest and capital repayments). Have you refinanced your mortgage and increased your debt? In that case you must also document the outstanding balance of the original mortgage when it was refinanced. You will only receive approval for a loan used to buy or make necessary repairs to your home.
- Send the complaint in the post to your local municipality’s postal address. You can find the address on the decision letter you received.
Complaint form – decision
You can complain if we have used the wrong amount of rent in our decision.
How to complain:
- Complete the complaint form below.
- Enclose the relevant documentation copy of your most recent rent payment or copy of a recent tenancy agreement. NOTE: If you rent from the municipality, you don’t need to document how much rent you pay
- Send the complaint in the post to your local municipality’s postal address. You can find the address on the decision letter you received.
Complaint form – decision
You can complain if we have used the wrong amount of rent in our decision.
How to complain:
- Complete the complaint form below.
- Enclose the relevant documentation copy of your most recent rent payment or copy of a recent tenancy agreement. NOTE: If you rent from the municipality, you don’t need to document how much rent you pay.
- Send the complaint in the post to your local municipality’s postal address. You can find the address on the decision letter you received.